Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S03E04 - Ninja Quest (1).avi Plot Summary: Rito Revolto, a skeleton solider with a raspy voice, lands on the moon. He's Rita Repulsa's younger brother, and he's brought with him several evil eggs, as wedding presents for his sister & Lord Zedd (whom he calls "Ed" often). While waiting for them to hatch, Rito is given an army of Finster's 'finest' remade monsters: Octophantom, Fighting Flea, Stag Beetle, and the Lizzinator. Rito Revolto takes these monsters to Angel Grove, where they fight the Power Rangers, and after growing, eventually destroy both the Thunder Megazord & White Tigerzord! The backlash of power in the morphin grid severly damages the Command Center, and essentially destroys the Rangers' current powers. Also in this episode: Ernie opens an outdoor cafe. Also, inspired by so many womens' love for men in uniform, Bulk & Skull announce their intentions to join the Angel Grove Junior Police Patrol, shocking everyone.
Release Date: 1995-09-11